Our Services

Technical Audit

Technical Audit of CPD's

Our work method, always adaptable to the clients needs...

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Design & Build

Design & Build of CPD's

EMERALD provides Design and Construction services for Data Processing Centres and Technical Rooms...

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Power Optimization

Power Optimization of CPD's

EMERALD is aware of the fact that CPDs are some of the greatest power consumers...

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After-sales Services

After-sales Services of CPD's

EMERALD provides After-Sales Services for Data Centers and Technical Rooms...

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Efficiency Sustainability

Eficiencia y Ahorro Energético

Emerald Telecom & Data Center, Emerald Telecom & Data Center has a commitment to Sustainability both in the study of the existing CPDs and the Design and Construction of New Centres.

As an active member of different forums, Green Grid, Ashrae, Anese, etc.. .Emerald guarantees in all its Designs the use of the most innovative Technical Solutions related to Efficiency and Power Saving.

Also, through the Efficiency Evaluation Organization (EVO), we provide the criteria for the Assessment and Control Protocol of such Saving.

We can manage the Leed Certificate for all our Designs, both new and existing ones, to which we apply all our know-how in order to guarantee their sustainability.

Pulsa para ver el certificado AENOR 14001 Pulsa para ver el certificado AENOR 9001 Pulsa para ver el certificado AENOR 18001 Address
- Avda. de Córdoba, 21 Planta 2 Oficina 1
28026 Madrid T. 91 304 25 00 - F. 91 827 94 8
- Travesera de Gracia, 15 4ª 1ª Desp.1
08021 Barcelona - T. 609 630 272

Email: info@emeraldsa.com

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